Dr. Gary Bates
Director and Professor
UT Beef & Forage Center
P: 865-974-7324
I will admit that I live by my calendar. The electronic calendar on my phone and computer is how I know where I need to be and what I need to do each day and week. I check it on weekends to see if I have any traveling to do the next week. I check it each night to see what time my first appointment is the next day. I keep track of it during each day to ensure I make it to each meeting, class, or activity that is on the schedule. Having the schedule on my calendar is good, because it helps me be efficient with my time and keep track of what I am doing. But as I have continued in this job, there is the tendency to get busy, going from meeting to emails, emails to phone calls, sometimes being exhausted at the end of the day without being sure I accomplished anything important.
There are times when I get physically, mentally, or maybe emotionally exhausted and wonder why I put myself through this. Why do I spend those nights away from home, or why do I go from meeting to meeting, trying to return phone calls and emails during the short breaks? It is sort of a “Woe is me” mentality. This doesn’t happen often, but I would be lying if I said it never happened.
It is at these points when I stop and think about the blessings I have. God provided me an opportunity to study and learn about forage crops, as well as an ability to communicate scientific principles and their application on the farm. He also blessed me with absolutely the best job in the nation where I could use what he has given me to help people in our state. That is why I do this. Not because I have some sort of ego and want to be called Dr. Bates. That really means nothing to me. This job provides me the chance to use my talents to help people in their situation.
I get encouraged when someone tells me I helped them solve a problem on their farm, or they learned something from an article I wrote.
When you ask me a question, I want you to know that there is no more important task at that moment than trying to determine the best answer. I do it not because it is my job here at UT, but because I want to use what I have been given to help people. My job as forage specialist is just the platform I use to accomplish that. I work for something greater than the dean, senior VP, or president of UT. I do it because I want to serve the people of my state.
When I need a little encouragement, remembering that I have an incredible job where I get to help people lifts my spirits. If you find yourself in the same situation, find someone to help in your life. It may be something big, or it may be as simple as a kind word. A small investment will help that person, but it will pay big dividends in your life. I know it has in mine.
If you have ready many of my articles, you know often I write from whatever is in my mind. This is one of those times. I appreciate TCA giving me freedom to write like this. Just writing this has helped lift my spirit and encouraged me for the day. And since this is supposed to be a forages article, soil test and plant clovers.