Excellence in the UT Bull Development and Evaluation Program: 2024 Program Results

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Saulo Zoca

Dr. Saulo Zoca
Assistant Professor and Beef Cattle Reproduction Specialist
Department of Animal Science
P: 931-486-2129

Co-Authored by Cassidy Catrett, Department of Animal Science PhD Graduate Research Assistant

The University of Tennessee Bull Development and Evaluation Program strives to provide a standardized, impartial post-weaning gain test that generates records valuable to consignors for their breeding programs and for cattle producers seeking high-quality bulls at our annual sale. Additionally, the program offers a source and market for fully performance-tested bulls and serves as an educational tool for improving and promoting beef cattle. The Class of 2024 program concluded on December 12, 2024, with our annual sale held at the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Spring Hill. We were pleased to host a full house (Photo 1) and enjoyed excellent online attendance as well. A total of 64 bulls were sold, including 33 Angus bulls, 23 SimAngus bulls, 4 Simmental bulls, and 4 Hereford bulls. The sale grossed $342,100, with an average price of $5,345.31 per bull. The average prices by breed were as follows:

  • Angus bulls: $5,124
  • SimAngus bulls: $5,782.61
  • Simmental bulls: $4,250
  • Hereford bulls: $5,150

The highest-selling bull of the day was Lot 68 (JRFF Top Hat 17L – SimAngus) from Reed Family Farms, which sold for $8,500. This bull was among the top-performing bulls in the program, gaining an average of 4.26 pounds per day and scanning with a ribeye area (REA) of 17.26 in². The second highest-selling bull was Lot 84 (SVFM Fundamental – SimAngus) from Scott Valley Farm, which sold for $8,250. Three lots tied as the third highest-selling bulls, each selling for $8,000; and these bulls represent the highest-selling bulls in each of their respective breeds. These were:

  • Lot 1 (Diamond M Teamwork 3187 – Angus) from Diamond M Farms
  • Lot 58 (CPH Mr. Propane H086 L322 – Hereford) from Cunningham Herefords
  • Lot 94 (CBRS Epid Lad 1821 – Simmental) from Cumberland Bottoms Ranch

The Woods Rocker Chair was awarded to the breeder of the highest-performing bull in the test (Photo 2). This year, the award went to McCaleb Brother’s Angus of Gordonsville, TN, for raising Lot 23 (MBA Craftsman 6323 – Angus). This bull achieved an impressive daily gain of 5.36 pounds and scanned with a ribeye area (REA) of 13.7 in². Additionally, McCaleb Brothers also raised the second highest-performing bull, Lot 22 (MBA Enforcer 4023 – Angus), which gained an average of 5.29 pounds per day and also scanned with an REA of 13.7 in². It was exciting to congratulate these first-time consignors on this award for producing such performance-oriented animals.

A total of 85 bulls enrolled in the 2024 program. For various reasons, 13 bulls did not complete the test, and 8 were removed from the sale. Of the 72 bulls that completed the test, the overall average daily gain (ADG) was 3.84 pounds per day, with the breed averages as follows:

  • Angus: 3.96 pounds per day
  • Hereford: 3.18 pounds per day
  • Simmental: 4.06 pounds per day
  • SimAngus: 3.93 pounds per day

The overall weight per day of age (WDA) was 3.32 pounds per day, with the breed averages as follows:

  • Angus: 3.28 pounds per day
  • Hereford: 3.17 pounds per day
  • Simmental: 3.41 pounds per day
  • SimAngus: 3.42 pounds per day

The highest-gaining bulls for each weight period milestone were:

  • Lot 84 on day 28, with an ADG of 6.25 pounds per day
  • Lot 86 on day 56, with an ADG of 5.96 pounds per day
  • Lot 23 on day 84, with an ADG of 5.26 pounds per day

The University of Tennessee Bull Development and Evaluation Program, represented by the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center – Spring Hill and the Department of Animal Science, would like to thank all our consignors, bidders, and buyers for contributing to the continued success of this program and sale. We also extend our gratitude to UT AgResearch and UT Extension for their unwavering support. Finally, we thank our sponsors, LiveAuctions.tv and Boehringer Ingelheim, for their valuable contributions this year. If you have any questions, concerns, or interest in participating in the 2025 UT Bull Development and Evaluation Program, please contact Dr. Saulo Zoca (szoca@utk.edu) or Dr. Troy Rowan (trowan@utk.edu).

Bull Sale

Photo 1. University of Tennessee Bull Development and Evaluation Program Annual Sale at the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center in Spring Hill on December 12.

Rocking Chair

Photo 2. The Woods Rocker chair was awarded to the owners of the highest gaining bull from the 2024 University of Tennessee Bull Development and Evaluation Program. Left to right: Jeremiah McCaleb (McCaleb Brother’s Angus); Dr. Neal Schrick (UT Animal Science – Department head); Jake McCaleb (McCaleb Brother’s Angus); Dr. Saulo Zoca (UT Animal Science – Assistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist).