Dr. Katie Mason

Cattle Nutrition: Managing the First Calf Heifer

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: http://www.agproud.com/articles/61010-southeast-managing-the-first-calf-heifer  First-calf heifers are a group that often presents challenges…

Cattle Nutrition: Minding the Gap

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: http://www.agproud.com/articles/60860-southeast-minding-the-gap  As we begin to wrap up the winter hay-feeding…

Cattle Nutrition: One of the Best Tools You Have is BCS

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/60539-southeast-bcs-one-of-the-best-tools-you-have Body condition score (BCS), an indicator of relative fatness,…

Cattle Nutrition: The Nutritional Roller Coaster

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: http://www.agproud.com/articles/60416-southeast-the-nutritional-roller-coaster  I recently heard an interesting analogy: not testing your…

Cattle Nutrition: Indicators of Hay Quality

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/60238-southeast-indicators-of-hay-quality You may be familiar with the phrase, “if you…

Cattle Nutrition: Fall-Calving Cow Nutrition

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/60095-southeast-fall-calving-cow-nutrition With the fall-calving season just around the corner, it…

Cattle Nutrition: Time to Consider Stockpiling

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/59959-southeast-time-to-consider-stockpiling Though many are wrapping up the summer hay cutting…

Cattle Nutrition: Nitrates, do they dissipate?

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/59808-southeast-nitrates-do-they-dissipate Nitrate is a naturally occurring compound in plants. Nitrate…

Cattle Nutrition: A Cool Drink

Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/59594-southeast-a-cool-drink Summer heat is inevitable and when the days start…