Dr. Bruno PedreiraAssociate Professor and Extension Forage SpecialistDepartment of Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-3535 In the fall of 2023, precipitation was below average, and temperatures were above…
Forage Management: New Year’s Forage Resolutions!
Forage Management: Losing Less Hay is also a Choice!
Dr. Bruno PedreiraAssociate Professor and Extension Forage SpecialistDepartment of Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-3535 December is the last month of the year, which means that we made…
Forage Management: What’s On Your Forage Menu?
Dr. Bruno PedreiraAssociate Professor and Extension Forage SpecialistDepartment of Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-3535 Per definition, a forage crop is “a crop of cultivated plants, other than…
Forage Management: The Torch is Passed
Dr. Bruno PedreiraAssociate Professor and Extension Forage SpecialistDepartment of Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-3535 The Torch is Passed and now I have “the best job at The…