Dr. Andrew GriffithAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsP: 865-974-7480 Feedlots appear to be chock-full of cattle given the industry has fewer cows to produce calves and heifer retention is…
Dr. Andrew GriffithAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsP: 865-974-7480 Feedlots appear to be chock-full of cattle given the industry has fewer cows to produce calves and heifer retention is…
Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Originally published in Progressive Cattle magazine: https://www.agproud.com/articles/59959-southeast-time-to-consider-stockpiling Though many are wrapping up the summer hay cutting…