Dr. Bruno PedreiraAssociate Professor and Extension Forage SpecialistDepartment of Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-3535 Per definition, a forage crop is “a crop of cultivated plants, other than…
Dr. Bruno PedreiraAssociate Professor and Extension Forage SpecialistDepartment of Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-3535 Per definition, a forage crop is “a crop of cultivated plants, other than…
Dr. Katie MasonAssistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition SpecialistDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-8941 Minerals are a small, but mighty, nutrient requirement for cattle. These elements cannot be made by…
Dr. Saulo ZocaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 931-486-2129 Producing replacement females is one of the most challenging and costly enterprises of a cow/calf operation. Heifers are the most critical stage…