Dr. Lew StricklandAssociate Professor and Extension Livestock VeterinarianDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-3150 On January 1, 2017, new regulations were enacted concerning over the counter (OTC) feed additive antibiotics (currently known…
Dr. Lew StricklandAssociate Professor and Extension Livestock VeterinarianDepartment of Animal ScienceP: 865-974-3150 On January 1, 2017, new regulations were enacted concerning over the counter (OTC) feed additive antibiotics (currently known…
Dr. Andrew GriffithAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsP: 865-974-7480 Many people associate the term gluttony with overeating, which can be further associated with scriptures in the Bible. Another common…
Dr. Gary BatesDepartment Head and Professor, Plant SciencesDirector, UT Beef & Forage CenterP: 865-974-7324 There is a picture hanging in the living room at our house. When my kids were…