Tennessee Master Beef Producer Program

Tennessee Master Beef Producer Program Logo

The Tennessee Master Beef Producer Program is designed to provide targeted educational presentations and hands-on demonstrations for a broad scope of topic areas in beef cattle production. Our objective is to provide Tennessee cattle producers with information and experience that can improve profitability while simultaneously making more efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.

UT Extension Specialists in beef and forage production are currently working with the Link Pointer U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef to help cattle producers evaluate how their current management practices impact their ability to continue profitable cattle farming for future generations. We are working together to ensure that cow-calf producers have a voice in describing sustainability and are prepared for a beef market that rewards sustainably produced calves. Then, provide training in the areas that need additional attention to improve economic, generational, and natural resource sustainability. Program topics include:

  • Beef Product
  • Economics and Budgeting
  • Facilities and Cattle Handling
  • Forages
  • Genetic Selection
  • Health
  • Marketing and Business Management
  • Nutrition
  • Reproduction

Benefits include networking opportunities with other producers, educators, researchers, and industry representatives. The Link Pointer Tennessee Department of Agriculture supports the Master Beef Producer program and uses it as the educational component of their Tennessee Agriculture Enhancement cost-share program. Upon completing the program requirements, graduates receive a farm sign, cap, and certificate.

This is a county-based program delivered by UT Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents tailored to the specific needs of local environments within the state.

For more information about this program, please contact your local county Extension office.

Our Partners

Tennessee Department of Agriculture Logo
Link Pointer Tennessee Department of Agriculture
U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Logo
Link Pointer U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef